Just a Girl With a Dream.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who loved to gaze up at the stars every night before she went to bed. One day she began to think while looking up at the stars “I wonder what’s really out there? Is there anyone, anything out there other than me?” That night as she drifted off into deep sleep there was a loud “BOOM!”. Of course the girl did not wake up, for she was a very heavy sleeper.  When she awoke she would go outside to find a meteorite as big as a bus and as wide as a car. The girl got dressed at nine in the morning to go water her plants and feed the animals and of course when she went outside she found a huge meteorite. She did not know what to do, so she called  NASA and they said they would be on there way to help. When NASA got to her home they had to bring an astronaut to examine and make sure whatever it was, was an actual meteorite. Joseph M. Acaba, the astronaut that was called to examine the it, said it was definitely a meteorite. The girl and the astronaut went wondering around and began to talk about the solar system which she was very curious about. Joseph told the girl about inner plants and outer planets and that it is possible that we are not the only life form and the Milky Way Galaxy.  He also said all the planets were aligned (not perfectly, but aligned) with the Sun because of the Sun’s gravitational pull, and also because of the gravitational pull of the Sun we also have high tides and low tides. After that day the girl and Joseph became best friends and the girl never got tired of hearing about his amazing adventures  out in space.